Book A Consultation With Samantha Martin

Book a consultation with Samantha to work on your marketing strategy, blog goals, business goals, social media, PR or whatever else it is you need help with

Contact Samantha!

Email: hello@sociallysam.com
Visit: 9-10 Cross Street, Preston, Lancashire

Pick My Brains

Just need to ask a few quick questions or get some advice on a marketing matter. Here’s a quick 30 minute call to help you solve your queries

Consulting & Strategy

Do you need someone to help you work out your marketing strategy or formulate a new plan for the road ahead? This 90 minute call is right up your street

Half & Full Days

Sometimes you’ve got a lot more going on that needs dealing with and you’ll need some follow up. Contact me to enquire for more details

Pick My Brains session

Sometimes, especially when you work alone, you’ll have little questions you want to ask the right person. Whether it’s a marketing thing, or a social media how to then I can help you with that. Or is it a PR strategy that you aren’t sure about? Yep, I’ve got you covered there too. This 30-minute session can help you get super clear on that burning question that’s been niggling away at you.

Book a consultation with Samantha to work on your marketing strategy, business goals, social media, PR or whatever it is you need help with
Book a consultation with Samantha to work on your marketing strategy, business goals, social media, PR or whatever it is you need help with

Consulting & Strategy Session

Do you need a bit more time and a bit more of a plan to work with? In this 90 minute call, we can work together to develop your future plans, improve your knowledge on how to do stuff and work on tactics for you to stick to the plans. 

Full & Half Day Session

When you’ve got a lot of planning or learning to do then one coffee may not be enough. Contact me for availability for full and half-day sessions. All these sessions also include follow up calls to tweak your plans or just to keep you accountable. 

Book a consultation with Samantha to work on your marketing strategy, business goals, social media, PR or whatever it is you need help with

Start Your New Strategy Today!

A whole new marketing and PR strategy could be just a call away. Contact me for further details or to arrange your call time